A vision for the future of Kansas City.

Matt Mauer believes firmly that the best principles for a stronger, future-ready Kansas City follow the basics: good services, good government, and good planning.

Good City Services

A good Kansas City starts with solid, dependable city services. Prioritizing replacement of water lines, updating our sewer system, and make a reliable plan for snow removal are all basic steps to making Kansas City easier to live in. Scheduling and coordinating our street maintenance with planned infrastructure and utility improvements, as well as targeting high-need streets for repaving based on traffic patterns will make getting around Kansas City even easier as well.

Good Government

In order to make sure that our city functions at its maximum efficiency, we need to make sure we have the principles of good government in place. Matt firmly believes that this starts with responsiveness to resident needs and concerns, and as City Councilman he will hold frequent town halls and listening sessions, as well as be present and engaged with our neighborhoods to make sure resident concerns are heard and addressed, and that the mechanisms of government are more accessible to our residents.

Good Planning

Kansas City is on the verge of a boom, and we are on our way to being recognized as a world-class city. In order to make sure we get there and do it well, we need to have a comprehensive plan for the future of our city. Making sure development happens not only in high-demand areas, but also high-need areas and areas on the periphery, and that it happens in a way that benefits residents, provides high-quality jobs, and keeps business interested in investing in Kansas City is critical. Matt will prioritize all of this as our City Councilman At-Large, and will represent all of Kansas City in these efforts.